2023 Funded Projects

A Landscape Analysis of SUD Treatment Resources in Port Huron, Michigan
Amy Drahota, Ken Heuvelman, Heatherlun Uphold, Kristen Senters-Young, Karren Campbell, Jennifer Gerow, and Blair Warren (College of Human Medicine and College of Social Science)
This project aims to generate insights to improve research, practice, and policy by analyzing Substance Use Disorder (SUD) services, providers, strengths and needs in Port Huron. Additionally, an SUD Health Equity Report Card (SUD-HERC) will be co-created to share the outcomes of SUD indicators in a disaggregated and geographically specific format. These products and results will be distributed among community audiences, and their feedback will be collected to help guide ongoing improvements and outreach.

Participation of Women Using Cannabis During Pregnancy in Prenatal Care and in Research
Ban Al-Sahab, Omayma Alshaarawy, Emre Umucu, and Audriyana Jaber (College of Human Medicine, College of Natural Science, and College of Education)
The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between prenatal cannabis use and prenatal care. In addition, the study aims to evaluate how prevalent and what the characteristics of cannabis use are in women who did not complete the follow-up in a prospective statewide pregnancy cohort. Furthermore, the study will examine the birth outcome characteristics of women with inadequate prenatal care and women who were lost to follow-up among prenatal cannabis users. Lastly, the study will explore the perception and beliefs about prenatal cannabis use and the utilization of prenatal care, as well as the role of health care providers and participation in research and interventional studies among women who use cannabis during pregnancy.